Research and Development


State-of-the-art products

The business success of ventopay is closely linked to the results of research and development work. For this reason, research and product development at ventopay are very important. Specialists in the company's own development department at the Hagenberg site deal with the ongoing development of all mocca® software and hardware products. Taking into account customer feedback and research results, the entire product line is continuously improved and expanded with innovative functions.

Impulse generator for the ventopay research

Among other things, ventopay owes its access to the latest software technologies to SCCH (Software Competence Center Hagenberg). The SCCH was founded by five institutes of the Faculty of Science and Natural Sciences of the Johannes Kepler University Linz and is one of the largest software research centers in Austria.

This cooperation enables ventopay to optimally integrate acquired know-how into the company and to keep all products up-to-date with the latest technology.

In addition, research at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg – the campus for computer science, communication and media – provides important impulses for the research of ventopay. Also the cooperation with students regarding bachelor’s and master’s theses as well as compulsory internships, new findings come to light that are included in further product development.

Research project ADPAY

The research work on the project ADPAY (Advanced Data Analysis for Payment Systems) is supported by FFG (Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft). The FFG is an organization that promotes research and innovation in the field of application-oriented and industry-oriented research in order to strengthen Austria as a business location.

The research project ADPAY has set itself the goal of developing customer loyalty programs and making predictions for menu engineering. Automated forecasts of guests’ preferences help optimize menu planning. This not only increases sales but also promotes customer loyalty. Improved resource planning, minimized food waste and clear controlling are just some of the advantages of the new system.


The excellent cooperation with our partners ensures success and sustainable growth for ventopay. In this context, ventopay thanks all partners for the excellent cooperation.

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