Thomas Steinhäusler strengthens the ventopay management team with a vending expert


We are pleased to have gained Thomas Steinhäusler as an experienced expert from the vending industry for ventopay. With around 30 years of experience in the vending machine industry, in management and in supporting key accounts, he provides important impetus for dynamic development in the strategically important future market of the vending sector.

“As a pioneer in the digitalization of communal catering, we see significant added value that vending machine solutions offer our customers.”

 explains Johannes Reichenberger, CEO of ventopay.

“At a time when staff shortages and the need for flexibility are becoming increasingly important, smart fridges and self-service concepts are attractive solutions for our customers in various segments. Thomas not only brings impressive technical qualifications, but also the industry-specific know-how to optimize our digital solutions and adapt them even more closely to the needs of our customers.”

Team mocca: Johannes
Johannes Reichenberger, CEO ventopay

In his management function, he is responsible for the further development of the vending division, the support of key account customers and the supply chain management area. Comprehensive areas that have high synergy potential, which the experienced manager is already implementing.

“Our customers, especially in the area of communal catering, stand out due to their individual needs and the high complexity of their systems. By specializing our overall platform, we offer our customers solutions that specifically address these needs. By looking after key accounts, I can absorb changing requirements and incorporate them into vending innovations. This means our customers benefit from new features that were developed individually for this industry.”

, says the experienced vending expert, Thomas Steinhäusler.

We already have a long-standing, very good, cooperative partnership with Thomas. He previously worked for a renowned Upper Austrian vending machine operator, where he held various positions up to managing director and responsible sales manager.

Team mocca: Thomas
Thomas Steinhäusler, Member of Management Team ventopay gmbh



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