Team mocca®



“I see my colleagues as partners and attach great importance to well-being at work, mutual respect and a culture of open discussion. Teamwork and collegiality are the basis for good cooperation among colleagues. Because together we not only meet challenges more easily, but also celebrating successes is simply more fun together.”

Johannes, CEO

“I particularly like the family environment and the varied work agenda at ventopay gmbh. The colleagues always take their time when you have questions or don’t know what to do next.”

Sabrina, Assistant to the Management & Authorized officer

“I’ve been with ventopay for over 8 years now and it’s still really fun to work with our customers and partners on exciting and innovative projects. But above all, the great cooperation with all my colleagues according to the motto “One for all, all for one.” contributes to the joy of work.”

Christopher, Teamlead Sales & Authorized officer

Office & Inventory

Development & Testing

“At ventopay I work on varied, exciting projects every day. I have the opportunity to actively help shape new innovations in development. As someone who has been with ventopay since the very beginning, I am happy every day, to work together with nice and highly motivated colleagues.”

Christian, Software Developer

Sales, Pre-Sales, Marketing & IT

“ventopay offers a flexible working environment and is a strong partner even in difficult times.

I especially appreciate the teamwork, meeting at eye level and the short decision-making channels.”

Silke, Assistant to the Sales Management

“At ventopay I have the great opportunity to contribute my own ideas and implement them. I can work independently, but if necessary always approach my helpful colleagues. Overall, the ventopay team is characterized above all by its good cohesion.”

Marina, Teamlead Marketing

Project Management

“In the family environment of ventopay, the opinion of each individual is valued, the cooperation between colleagues is very important. The work in project management is very exciting and varied thanks to business trips in the area of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. A good work-life balance is possible through flexible working hours and home office.”

Stefan, Teamlead Project Management

“It’s fun to work in a team where everyone can rely on the other and where each individual’s opinion is valued.”

Alexander, Vice Teamlead Project Management

Service & Support

“ventopay not only enables a good working atmosphere, which is strongly characterized by cohesion and a mindset of transparency, but also supports employees and people in the private sector, for example through flexible working hours, home office and a very balanced work-life balance. That is very important to me and I really appreciate it personally.”

Benedikt, System Consultant

“”Those who enjoy their work are able to achieve a lot.” (Quote from Marion Gräfin Dönhoff)
That is exactly what ventopay lives for. It makes me proud to be part of this team.”

Rene, System Consultant

General contact details

ventopay Hagenberg

ventopay gmbh
Softwarepark 49
4232 Hagenberg

Tel.: +43 5 7236 – 200


ventopay Vienna

ventopay gmbh
Wagramer Straße 19
1220 Wien

Tel.: +43 5 7236 – 200

ventopay Essen

ventopay gmbh
Grugaplatz 2
45131 Essen

Tel.: +49 201 874697 – 60


ventopay Augsburg

ventopay gmbh
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9
86156 Augsburg

Tel.: +49 821 207133 – 0

ventopay Hamburg

ventopay gmbh
Falkenried 88E
20251 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 201 874697 – 60


ventopay Zurich

ventopay gmbh
Thurgauerstrasse 101
8152 Zürich

Tel.: +43 5 7236 – 200

Technical support

MON-THU 08:00 – 16:00
FRI 08:00 – 14:00

Tel. AUT: +43 5 7236 – 400

Tel. GER: +49 201 874697 – 65

Tel. CH: +43 5 7236 – 400
