What is ventopay?


What does ventopay stand for?

The name ventopay describes our endeavor to bring a breath of fresh air (vento) into billing and payment (pay).

What is mocca®?

mocca® is the name of our product line. All products in the mocca® overall system are named accordingly with mocca.touch, mocca.value, mocca.loyalty, etc.

What does ventopay actually do?

As a leading manufacturer of complete digital solutions, ventopay delights guests, fans and users with the most innovative products and a powerful payment system at the cutting edge of technology.

The company was founded in 2012 and is now the innovation and technology leader in digitalization in public catering.

In addition to a comprehensive and integrated cash register, payment and billing system, the product range also includes ordering systems and employer branding solutions.


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& awards

  • “Top Company” award from kununu
  • 1st place DIGITALOS,
    category “Digital Transformation” (OÖNachrichten)
  • 1st place Young Entrepreneur Award (Junge Wirtschaft OÖ)
  • 2nd place Pegasus,
    category “Innovation Emperor” (OÖNachrichten)
  • 2nd place prize for the best innovations in Upper Austria,
    category “IT & Communication” (CHEFINFO)
  • 3rd place Best Business Award,
    category “31 to 100 employees” (BBA)
  • 7th place Young Entrepreneur Award (Gewinn)
  • Top 50 placement growth champion (Profil)

Furthermore, we achieved 4.8 out of 5 stars and a recommendation rate of 100% on the employer rating platform kununu.

What is our vision?

Our vision is to become the leading provider of cashless POS and payment systems as well as customer enthusiasm solutions in the entire region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland by 2025.



What are our values?

The most important values for ventopay are:

  • innovation
  • quality
  • team spirit

What is our mission?

Our mission is to offer our customers:

  • fast payment
  • easy billing
  • high customer enthusiasm


What is our motto?

Our team motto is “Team mocca® – strongly inspiring”.


& crisis-proof

  • broad market strategy in highly diversified industries
  • many years of expertise in the digitization of sales processes
  • digitization and individualization of customer communication
  • innovation & technology market leader

What is our social engagement like?

ventopay has been part of the “United Against Waste” initiative for years. Together with many other companies, we have set ourselves a goal: halving avoidable food waste by 2030.

Every year at Christmas, ventopay makes a generous donation to a good cause. The attempt is to support charitable institutions in the area or with reference to employees.

In addition, we regularly give clients of the neighboring Diakoniewerk the opportunity to support us with the office activities that arise and thus bring a little variety into everyday life.

During the Corona crisis, ventopay also takes its role as a responsible company in helping to contain the pandemic very seriously and offers its employees free antigen tests.


& figures

  • Founding of ventopay: 2012
  • Move to new building: 2021
  • Locations: 6
  • Service partner locations: 100
  • End customers: 500
  • Annual customer projects: 50
  • Research projects: 3
  • Employees: 60
  • Quota of women: 30%
  • Motivation: 110%

General contact details

ventopay Hagenberg

ventopay gmbh
Softwarepark 49
4232 Hagenberg


Tel.: +43 5 7236 – 200


ventopay Vienna

ventopay gmbh
Wagramer Straße 19
1220 Wien


Tel.: +43 5 7236 – 200

ventopay Essen

ventopay gmbh
Grugaplatz 2
45131 Essen


Tel.: +49 201 874697 – 60


ventopay Augsburg

ventopay gmbh
Alfred-Nobel-Straße 9
86156 Augsburg


Tel.: +49 821 207133 – 0

ventopay Hamburg

ventopay gmbh
Falkenried 88E
20251 Hamburg


Tel.: +49 201 874697 – 60


ventopay Zurich

ventopay gmbh
Thurgauerstrasse 101
8152 Zürich


Tel.: +43 5 7236 – 200

Technical support

MON-THU 08:00 – 16:00
FRI 08:00 – 14:00


Tel. AUT: +43 5 7236 – 400

Tel. GER: +49 201 874697 – 65

Tel. CH: +43 5 7236 – 400
