Digitization of access & meal billing for the Armed Forces


The initiative Digital Austria, which is operated by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), has set itself an ambitious goal: to make Austria a leading European digital nation.

In this endeavor, Digital Austria focuses on innovative projects in the three areas of society, economy and administration. The Austrian Armed Forces realized together with ventopay the project “digitization of billing meal participants”.

Chip card solution for access & billing

In the barracks, a chip card solution was introduced, which regulates access to the barracks and the dining hall as well as the billing of meals.

With the help of a turnstile with a built-in chip card reader, access is controlled and the number of actual dining participants is recorded. In addition, the billing of meals is now automated by means of the SEPA direct debit method.

With the implementation of this digitization project, the acquisition of a catering vourchers for cash payment, its manual devaluation and recording in a tally sheet were lapsed. As a result, the project makes an important contribution to the modernization of the ÖBH.

Automation ensures efficiency & safety

The advantages of the new solution are obvious: due to the high level of automation, the administrative effort and thus the personnel deployment is considerably reduced, which makes processes more efficient. Minimizing manual input helps prevent errors and guarantees complete, accurate data that is used to generate key metrics.

Security has also been increased with the new system: If a chip card is lost, it can be locked quickly and easily – cost-intensive replacement of the locking system is not necessary. In addition, the new system documents all unauthorized access attempts.

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