New company headquarters in Hagenberg


Not even 1.5 years after the groundbreaking ceremony, we moved into the new company headquarters in the Softwarepark Hagenberg at the beginning of April.

Together with COUNT IT, an innovative company building for modern working environments was built.

On six floors and 2,400 m2, the new building meets all the needs that can be placed on innovative working environments.

State-of-the-art equipment, open meeting areas, relaxation rooms, an event area with a bar, an activity room with a slide, an outdoor oasis in the garden and, in good weather, even the best view of the mountains in the Salzkammergut – these are just some of the highlights in our new ventopay company headquarters.

Thus, the ventopay motto “Team mocca® – strongly inspiring” is reflected in the entire working atmosphere.

New contact data

With the move to the new company headquarters, there are also new contact details. You can now reach us as follows:

ventopay gmbh
Softwarepark 49
4232 Hagenberg im Mühlkreis

Phone Office: +43 5 7236 200
Phone Support: +43 5 7236 400

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If you have technical problems, our support team will help you quickly and easily:

AUT: +43 5 7236 – 400

GER: +49 201 874697 – 65

CH: +43 5 7236 – 400



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