ventopay and Delegate inspire with a joint customer event


New standards in the digitalization of communal catering

Raunheim, October 12, 2023: Under the motto “Together. Digital. Better.” Delegate and ventopay successfully organized their first joint customer event. The deliberately chosen, smaller setting was fully booked to the last place. More than 100 participants experienced an inspiring day full of innovations. Rainer Geng (CEO LGTM) started with a keynote speech on the digital transformation of employee catering. The CEOs of ventopay and Delegate gave presentations on innovative solutions to the top challenges in community catering. Trend lectures on artificial intelligence and plant-based meat alternatives also impressed the guests. Workshops in small groups on sustainability, shortage of skilled workers and healthy nutrition rounded off the program. The event took place at the Lufthansa FlyingLab Factory in Raunheim, where the two leading providers of software solutions for communal catering welcomed their guests.

In the first joint customer event, participants were offered an exciting mix of lectures, discussion panels and networking opportunities. Rainer Geng, CEO Lufthansa Group Taste & More, opened the event with his keynote. He presented the projects successfully implemented with ventopay and Delegate for the digital transformation of Lufthansa employee catering. Since then, more than 100,000 LGTM employees in ten companies nationwide have benefited from the added value of the digitalization project.

Shortage of skilled workers, sustainability and flexibility – the major challenges of communal catering. The managing directors of ventopay and Delegate – Johannes Reichenberger and Martin Knopp – gave answers in the subsequent lectures. The introduction was a look back at 15 years of digitalization in public catering and how the networking of digital systems and artificial intelligence are becoming a game changer. Tried-and-tested, smart solutions for staff shortages and why we should focus on privacy-preserving machine learning rounded off Johannes Reichenberger’s lecture. Martin Knopp presented, against the background of 33 years of experience with software for large kitchens in communal catering, integrated solutions for a sustainable menu, modern options for promoting healthy eating and possibilities for digitalization in the kitchen.

Before the lunch break, Dr. Bernhard Nessler, Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH), thrilled the audience with his keynote. He presented the technical idea of a reliable AI, showed its current limits and the problems of the necessary certification.

Presentation from Johannes Reichenberger, CEO ventopay
Presentation from Johannes Reichenberger, CEO ventopay

Innovative and practical – live demonstrations and interactive workshops

The participants used the lunch break to enjoy a delicious meal and to experience the latest innovations from Delegate and ventopay on the overall demo system on display. It continued with a high level of practical relevance. The two hosts presented the latest, deeply integrated highlight features live in the system: The solutions for reducing food waste, automated guest feedback and achieving sustainability goals through incentive systems and KPI dashboards were very well received.

The following deep dive sessions were conducted in small groups and examined sustainability, recruiting and health. Hendrik Fixsen and Florian Blümer (both Vytal), Robert Guschelbauer (Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser) and Christian Feist (GESOCA) started their respective sessions with short lectures. The participants then use the time for questions and answers as well as lively discussions.

How can completely plant-based alternatives be integrated into the menu? How attractive is this alternative with regard to ESG goals and meat price developments? These questions were answered in the final lecture by David Trümner with a lot of experience and practical relevance.

Guided tour of the impressive Lufthansa company catering facility

The event ended with a tour of the LGTM company catering facility in Raunheim – the visitors were impressed! The first joint customer event was undoubtedly a great success and underlined the need for networking and integration in the digitalization of communal catering.

Martin Knopp and Johannes Reichenberger also agreed: “The first event in a smaller group was a complete success – we received very positive feedback. With the innovations presented and the exciting lectures, we were able to offer our guests an inspiring and varied program. Thanks to everyone for participating. We feel encouraged to further intensify our good cooperation – in order to be able to offer the most innovative solutions with high added value for our customers today and in the future.”

We would like to thank our speakers Rainer Geng, Bernhard Nessler, Hendrik Fixsen, Florian Blümer, Robert Guschelbauer, Christian Feist and David Trümner as well as our partners Hilcona, Chicco di caffè and Lufthansa Group Taste & More.

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