Universities and Schools


Adapted to the needs of the canteen and school catering

ventopay cooperates closely with schools, universities and universities of applied sciences and therefore knows exactly the needs of students, the administration and the operators of cafeterias or school catering. With mocca®, you are relying on a system that is constantly being further developed, supports state-of-the-art technologies and is always up to date.

Longer breaks due to cashless payment

All components of the mocca® system, such as cash registers, moneyloaders and pre-ordering terminals are designed in an intuitive design. The products can be easily operated by all employees, students, pupils, professors, teachers, parents and guests.

The introduction of cashless payment saves additional time. Through contactless payment with chip cards in the cafeteria or at school catering, the waiting time at the cash register is shortened and the well-earned break extended.

Pre-ordering system for better planning

Using the pre-ordering system, students select their meals in advance and order them online or at special terminals in the school or university.

The design is constructed in such a way that the possibilities of the system are immediately and intuitively understood by every user.

A pre-order system for the cafeteria or school catering not only helps with better planning and shorter waiting times, but also saves food waste resulting from overproduction.

Heroimage Universitäten und Schulen

Complete system with modular design

ventopay offers a complete system for billing, payment and evaluation. The integration of cash registers, moneyloaders, guestcard machines, vending machine modules, pre-ordering systems, turnstiles, copy modules, customer loyalty apps and bonus programs in the mocca® complete system enables a solution that meets all requirements.

The modular design allows flexible expansion with additional components from the mocca® system.

Billing at the push of a button

The billing of all sales in the cafeteria or school catering is easy and works at the push of a button via the central management software.

The evaluations take all transactions into account in real time – regardless of whether you are using a direct debit from the parents’ accounts or cashless payment via chip cards.

Save time in administration

The mocca® system handles complex administrative tasks for you in the background and completely automated. Reports for bills of your cafeteria or school catering are created once according to your requirements and then sent fully automatically by e-mail. You can always rely on the accuracy of the mocca® reports.

Your advantages:

  • most modern technologies
  • shortened waiting times in the cafeteria
  • better planning of school catering with the pre-ordering system
  • complete system allows easy integration of additional modules
  • central location for evaluations
  • billing at the push of a button
  • bonus systems


Customer opinion

DDR. Franz Haslauer, Managing Director, ÖMBG:

“With the tender for our new cash register and payment system, I was particularly concerned about the possibility of centralizing all administrative and commercial tasks. Thanks to the simple and flexible integration of ERP and HR systems, ventopay has convinced us. The complete integration of the “KOST” merchandise management program, which we have in use, was successfully implemented in the agreed project period. At all of our 50 sites we were able to take up productive operation with the new mocca® POS system in only 4 months. Our goal – to reduce administrative costs – was achieved through the seamless integration of ERP, cash register and accounting software. Currently, ÖMBG and ventopay are jointly developing a pioneering customer loyalty program in a two-year project. With the help of new technologies we will be able to offer our guests many advantages in the future. The high quality and the innovative power of ventopay have been fascinating me. “

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