Management software mocca.admin


Central management software for all mocca® modules

So that you, as the manager of your canteen or cafeteria, can see all consumption at a glance, ventopay offers the mocca.admin management software. This software manages all operational data on products, people, prices and checkout points.

Top 7 benefits

of the management software

  • central management software for all components
  • dashboard with key figures enables real-time controlling
  • comprehensive reporting with detailed evaluations
  • tansparent money movements in the management software
  • valuable evaluations help with product range adjustments
  • increase in customer satisfaction & sales
  • highly secure databases

Clear dashboard with your most important key figures

The management dashboard in the software enables precise controlling and optimization of your company restaurants in real time. The dashboard provides key figures at the location level as well as across companies and enables quick reactions to deviations. The key figures of the management software are available 24/7 in real time via an app on your smartphone or web-based for evaluation on a PC.

Comprehensive reports generated quickly

In the management software, ventopay offers a very comprehensive reporting system that leaves nothing to be desired. Together, we develop reports that are tailored to your company and that you can generate quickly and easily from the software.

All payment points integrated in one management software

The mocca.admin  software is the perfect tool for managing your canteen. All payment points are fully integrated – you receive a precise billing for all cash registers, moneyloaders, and drinks and food vending machines.

Special industry requirements covered

The management software was developed together with partners for the special requirements of company restaurants. It contains many special developments that have been integrated primarily for the area of ​​​​communal catering. For example, you can use the software to divide your guests into different customer groups, which means they benefit from different levels of subsidies.

Management software ensures transparency in money movements

All money movements in your canteen or company restaurant are transparent in the management software, which means that no manipulation can occur. This creates trust among guests, employees and the employer.

Complete cost control and transaction overview

With the extensive reporting of the mocca.admin software, you always have an overview of all transactions in your canteen. The management software guarantees complete cost control and supports you in improving and completing your offer.

Increase customer satisfaction and increase sales

The special evaluations in the mocca.admin software allow you to see at a glance which products are the most successful in your range and which are slow-selling items. Adapt your range according to the evaluations – and thus the wishes of your guests. This way you benefit from high customer satisfaction and increased sales. You see: With the management software you can manage your business in such a way that you reduce your costs and optimize your profits.

High security and rapid evaluations

All master and transaction data in the management software is stored in highly secure databases and processed using a specially developed process that enables rapid evaluations. This allows real-time evaluations even for large companies.

100% compliant with the law and tax office

The entire mocca® system meets the requirements of all laws and guidelines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These include Section 131 BAO (Bundesabgabenordnung), the RKSV (Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung), the GoBD (Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung), the GDPdU (Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen), the KassenSichV (Kassensicherungsverordnung) and the DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung).

Data and IT security according to ISO 27001

In addition to complying with all legal regulations, the mocca® system is also secured according to the latest security standards. In addition to virus scans and operating system updates, ventopay ensures that access to sensitive data in the mocca® system is only possible with appropriate authorization. The audit security of the mocca® system has been confirmed by the renowned Tengelmann Auditing Services & Consulting GmbH. Their comprehensive audit showed that ventopay’s cash register and payment system is audit-proof and complies with all security guidelines. In addition, ventopay is certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, a globally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS).

Management software suitable for many industries

The ventopay software mocca.admin is the ideal solution for every requirement, application environment and industry:

Other products from our overall system

mocca® software

Quick payment

Easy billing

High customer enthusiasm

To the mocca® software

mocca® hardware


Credit management


To the mocca® hardware

Customers and references

ventopay serves hundreds of customers at 1,000 locations with more than 10,000 cash points throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Customers include many well-known corporations. Around 820,000 transactions are processed daily via mocca® systems. In total, this amounts to more than 300 million transactions per year.

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CH: +43 5 7236 – 400


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