Guest app mocca.loyalty app


Guest app as a direct communication channel for modern customer loyalty

The mocca.loyalty app offers you the excellent opportunity to communicate directly and intuitively with your customers. You can conveniently inform your guests about menu plans and current events in your business or obtain valuable feedback from them. Your customers, in turn, use the guest app to top up their credit, make mobile payments, get a transparent overview of past transactions and pre-order meals. This is modern customer loyalty that everyone benefits from.

Top 7 benefits

of the guest app

  • diverse standard functions with added value for your guests
  • mocca.loyalty bonus program as an extension
  • nutrient diary as an extension
  • feedback module as an extension
  • mocca.order (pre-)ordering system as an extension
  • easy customization of the guest app to your corporate design
  • highest security with SSL encryption

Function overview of the guest app

Icon Home


Overview of balance, bonus level, last transactions, utilization, CO2 footprint, news feed, etc.


Icon Transaktionen


Overview of transactions, detailed view of receipts, download of receipts, collective analysis


Icon Menüplanung

Menu planning

Easy addition of items including photos on digital signage screens


Icon Bezahlen


Payment via QR code, Bluecode, Bluetooth Low Energy and NFC


Icon Bestellübersicht

Order overview

Display of orders placed including invoice in the guest app and option to cancel


Icon Bonus


Participation in individual bonus programs, display of vouchers as QR code


Icon Auslastungsanzeige

Occupancy info

Display of the current occupancy of different restaurants directly in the guest app


Icon AI News

AI news

New, digital solution for news consumption of relevant content from many news sources


Icon Bewirtungsanforderung

Hospitality request

Requests for hospitality (cost centers) directly via the form in the guest app


Icon Nährstofftagebuch

Nutrient diary

Display of calories, fats, carbohydrates, etc. already consumed based on food and drinks consumed


Icon Bahn


Generic module that can be used to store rail connections


Icon Push-Notifications

Push notifications

Sending push messages via guest app


Icon Guthaben


Top up balance, pay out balance, info on last transaction, automatic top-up


Icon Betriebsleiter Dashboard

Manager dashboard

Key figures and KPIs in real time, can be evaluated both per location and across locations


Icon Meine Nachhaltigkeit

My sustainability

CO2 footprint and GAS health score in real time


Icon Vorbestellung


Pre-order and pay directly via the integrated pre-order system


Icon mocca.smartpos


The smallest offline cash register in the world with EAN code scanning and product recognition


Icon Menüplan

Menu plan

Display of the current menu plan, display of allergens, ingredients and prices


Icon Parkplätze finden

Find parking spaces

Display of real-time occupancy in the surrounding parking garages or parking lots


Icon Feedback


Obtain individual feedback from your guests with open, single and multiple choice questions


Icon Bewirtungsanfragen

Hospitality requests

Detailed view of hospitality requests for acceptance or rejection for authorized users


Icon Kontaktanfrage

Contact request

Submitting contact requests on various topics (catering orders, table reservations, etc.)


Icon Jobs


Generic module that can be used to display current job offers


Icon Einstellungen


Options for card management, account management, health data, language, etc.

Standard functions of the guest app

Flexible use of standard functions

The guest app offers you a wide range of different functions as standard.

Menu plans, offers, opening times, news in the company, past transactions, current balance and options for mobile payment – your guests can easily access all this and more via the guest app.

Depending on your individual requirements, ventopay only displays the modules you need from the standard functions. Of course, additional standard functions can be activated at any time.

Always up to date with the guest app

The home screen of the mocca.loyalty app shows your guests the most important information at a glance. In addition to the remaining balance and the current bonus level, the last transactions made can be seen in the guest app. The news feed below also presents the latest news from the selected regular restaurant.

Fulfillment of the obligation to issue receipts

The guest app gives users a transparent insight into all past transactions such as consumption, top-ups and the achievement of bonus levels. The corresponding receipt for all transactions can be viewed, shared or downloaded at any time. This function corresponds 100% to the obligation to issue receipts in connection with the KassenSichV in Germany and the RKS-V in Austria.

Top up credit via the guest app and pay mobile

The guest app not only shows your current credit balance, it is also possible to top it up directly using your smartphone. For example, the desired amount is credited immediately using an EC card or credit card or via wages & salary. Automatic top-up can also be set, where a predefined amount is automatically topped up when the balance falls below a certain level. Paying out remaining credit is also possible using all payment methods. There is also the option of using the guest app for mobile payment. ventopay uses various methods. Payment can be made using the NFC (Near Field Communication) function, which is already integrated into most smartphones. Alternatively, payment can be made using a QR code. A payment option at vending machines using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) can also be implemented in your company restaurant.

Extension functions of the guest app

Easy integration of extension modules

In addition, special extension modules are available for the guest app: the mocca.loyalty bonus system, the nutrient diary, the news and feedback module and the mocca.order pre-order system.

mocca.loyalty ensures strong customer loyalty

The mocca.loyalty bonus and customer loyalty program can be activated in the guest app at any time and allows your guests to collect and redeem bonus points. Since you can offer each customer group or guest an individual bonus program tailored to their needs, you will increase customer satisfaction and boost your sales. Within a bonus program, your guest’s sales are added up so that the bonus can be activated after reaching a bonus level. A credit is created that can be redeemed at the checkout or in the mocca.order ordering system.

Tracking the nutrient balance with

The nutrient diary is an extension module that – just like the customer loyalty program – can be integrated into the guest app at any time if desired. Your health-conscious guests can calculate their individual energy consumption after entering a few parameters such as gender, age and height.

The kilocalories, nutrients and allergens of all the food consumed are automatically documented so that your guests can view their personal nutrient balance for the current day at any time.

A traffic light system ensures that the current status is quickly recorded and shows, for example, how far the recommended daily dose of salt has already been exceeded. brings valuable feedback

With you are not only in contact with your guests when paying for the lunch menu, but you can also reach them all day long via push messages or the news feed channel on the home screen of the guest app. Inform your customers directly and personally via their smartphones about current news or food promotions.

The associated feedback module enables you to start surveys via the guest app and collect important customer feedback. Various question types such as single choice, multiple choice, star ratings and open questions are available for this purpose, which can also be combined with one another if required.

Pre-order with mocca.order

The mocca.order ordering system can be seamlessly integrated into the guest app. This means that your guests can order the food they want directly from their smartphone while on the go.

The collected pre-orders help the restaurant manager to plan the exact needs of the goods used.

This way you avoid overproduction and reduce your food waste to a minimum.

Secure guest app in your corporate design

Adding generic modules to the guest app

ventopay is also happy to add generic modules to your mocca.loyalty app. A heading and a suitable symbol are selected for the menu and a link to a website is stored.

From training videos on YouTube to the employee magazine on your website to open job advertisements, there are no limits.

These modules can be flexibly adjusted depending on the customer group, so that only the relevant menu items are displayed in the guest app for each guest.

Adaptation of the guest app to your corporate design

The layout of the mocca.loyalty app can of course be adapted to the corporate design of your company. For example, ventopay will be happy to store your logo and company colors in the guest app. This ensures recognition of your company.

Highest security and protection of privacy

ventopay guarantees the highest security standards in the guest app with SSL encryption for data communication. The data itself is stored and managed anonymously. The privacy of all users is respected, as each user can individually set which functions he or she would like to use.

100% compliant with the law and tax office

The entire mocca® system meets the requirements of all laws and guidelines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These include Section 131 BAO (Bundesabgabenordnung), the RKSV (Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung), the GoBD (Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung), the GDPdU (Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen), the KassenSichV (Kassensicherungsverordnung) and the DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung).

Data and IT security according to ISO 27001

In addition to complying with all legal regulations, the mocca® system is also secured according to the latest security standards. In addition to virus scans and operating system updates, ventopay ensures that access to sensitive data in the mocca® system is only possible with appropriate authorization. The audit security of the mocca® system has been confirmed by the renowned Tengelmann Auditing Services & Consulting GmbH. Their comprehensive audit showed that ventopay’s cash register and payment system is audit-proof and complies with all security guidelines. In addition, ventopay is certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, a globally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS).

Gust app suitable for many industries

The guest app mocca.loyalty app is the ideal solution for every requirement, application environment and industry:

Other products from our overall system

mocca® software

Quick payment

Easy billing

High customer enthusiasm

To the mocca® software

mocca® hardware


Credit management


To the mocca® hardware

Customers and references

ventopay serves hundreds of customers at 1,000 locations with more than 10,000 cash points throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Customers include many well-known corporations. Around 820,000 transactions are processed daily via mocca® systems. In total, this amounts to more than 300 million transactions per year.

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If you have technical problems, our support team will help you quickly and easily:

AUT: +43 5 7236 – 400

GER: +49 201 874697 – 65

CH: +43 5 7236 – 400


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