Refrigerator solution mocca.order&collect


Easy pre-order with pickup at the refrigerator

With the refrigerator solution mocca.order&collect, you can easily enable your guests to pre-order food and drinks via app or website, pay directly without cash and collect them contactlessly at the SmartFridge. For you as the operator, this means significant time and cost savings through the automation of the ordering and collection process. You also benefit from an effective solution against staff shortages and food waste.

Top 7 benefits

of the refrigerator solution

  • simple & flexible pre-ordering at the refrigerator
  • cashless payment with all common payment methods
  • no effort for order acceptance and cashing
  • production of food for the SmartFridge according to requirements
  • minimization of the effort involved in serving food
  • flexible collection from the refrigerator even at off-peak times
  • innovative SmartFridge solution to combat staff shortages

24/7 catering at the refrigerator despite staff shortages

By giving your guests the convenient option of picking up pre-ordered food from the refrigerator, you offer them the best service at any time of day – even outside of canteen opening hours. You minimize all the effort involved in taking and issuing orders, while your guests will be delighted by the flexibility and convenience of the SmartFridge solution.

Flexible pre-ordering to the SmartFridge from anywhere

The guest conveniently selects their desired pick-up time and location from the given options using the mocca.order ordering system. Orders can be placed via any browser on a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone on a dedicated website, via a dedicated app or via an on-site ordering terminal. The guest selects the desired products from the available range of dishes for pre-ordering to the refrigerator. The stored product photos and details help with the selection.

Cashless payment with all common payment methods

The guest now pays for the pre-ordered products without cash.

All common payment methods are available on the website or in the app:

  • prepaid credit
  • debit cards
  • credit cards
  • payroll
  • Klarna
  • PayPal
  • and much more.

At the order terminal, you can pay with your employee card against payroll or with prepaid credit.

Automatic compartment opening in the SmartFridge after authentication

So that the refrigerator cannot be opened by just anyone, but only by the person who actually pre-ordered, the person must authenticate themselves. This works at the terminal on site either with a chip card, with the NFC function via the mocca.loyalty app or with the help of a QR code.

The refrigerator has several compartments that are assigned to the range of food. After the person who pre-ordered has been authenticated, the door on the SmartFridge is unlocked. In addition, only those compartments that contain pre-ordered products are opened automatically. So you can be sure that everything will run smoothly at the refrigerator when it is served. As a final step, the guest only has to take out their pre-ordered products and enjoy them.


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100% compliant with the law and tax office

The entire mocca® system meets the requirements of all laws and guidelines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. These include Section 131 BAO (Bundesabgabenordnung), the RKSV (Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung), the GoBD (Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Buchführung), the GDPdU (Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen), the KassenSichV (Kassensicherungsverordnung) and the DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung).

Data and IT security according to ISO 27001

In addition to complying with all legal regulations, the mocca® system is also secured according to the latest security standards. In addition to virus scans and operating system updates, ventopay ensures that access to sensitive data in the mocca® system is only possible with appropriate authorization. The audit security of the mocca® system has been confirmed by the renowned Tengelmann Auditing Services & Consulting GmbH. Their comprehensive audit showed that ventopay’s cash register and payment system is audit-proof and complies with all security guidelines. In addition, ventopay is certified according to ISO/IEC 27001:2022, a globally recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS).

Refrigerator solution suitable for many industries

The refrigerator solution mocca.order&collect from ventopay is the ideal solution for every requirement, application environment and industry:

Other products from our overall system

mocca® software

Quick payment

Easy billing

High customer enthusiasm

To the mocca® software

mocca® hardware


Credit management


To the mocca® hardware

Customers and references

ventopay serves hundreds of customers at 1,000 locations with more than 10,000 cash points throughout Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Customers include many well-known corporations. Around 820,000 transactions are processed daily via mocca® systems. In total, this amounts to more than 300 million transactions per year.

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If you have technical problems, our support team will help you quickly and easily:

AUT: +43 5 7236 – 400

GER: +49 201 874697 – 65

CH: +43 5 7236 – 400


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